Hogwarts U: The Collegiate Way at Inside Higher Ed
Posted by R. J. O’Hara for the Collegiate Way
28 November 2006 (collegiateway.org) — An essay I wrote on the foundations of the residential college movement has been published today in the online journal Inside Higher Ed under the title “Hogwarts U.†Inside Higher Ed (insidehighered.com) was founded in 2004 by a group of editors at the Chronicle of Higher Education, and it has fast become one of the most widely-read education journals in the United States, with thousands of subscribers and daily news reports and opinion essays on a full range of higher education issues.
If you’re visiting the Collegiate Way website as a result of having seen the piece in Inside Higher Ed, welcome. The Collegiate Way is a large website with many sections, all listed on the right-hand column of every page. Here are some helpful starting points:
Please add your name to our mailing list to receive an occasional email digest of news about residential colleges (rarely more than one message each month).
If you’re interested in residential college organization and administrative structure, pay a visit to the How-To page on Residential College Membership and Administration.
If your primary interest is the buildings and grounds of decentralized residential colleges, start with the How-To page on Buildings and Grounds of Residential Colleges.
If the cultivation of residential college life is your interest, try the page on Residential College Life and the Annual Cycle.
If you’d like to find out which universities have residential college systems, pay a visit to the directory of Residential Colleges Worldwide.
If you’d like to browse current developments on the residential college front, try the Collegiate Way’s news page.
And if you’d like a picture of what the landscape of higher education might look like when it is rebuilt around residential colleges, try The Collegiate Landscape of the Future.