The Collegiate Way: Residential Colleges & the Renewal of University Life ‹› |
Cornelia Strong College
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Friday, 1 September 1995 | Per aspera ad astra | Newsletter No. 35
Strong Thanks!
Adam Cox thanks all those who came on the Mortal Kombat trip (even those few heathen who saw another movie), and especially those who allowed us to use their cars. Seven is next!
Mr. Donald Effren (father of our own David Effren) just donated a set of Microsoft Office for the Macintosh computers in the Library, and Rob Furr will be installing it shortly. Many thanks indeed to Mr. Effren!
David Hagey and Josh Purvis have loaned a new TV cable to the Game Room to replace the one that disappeared at the beginning of the year. Remember to thank them every time you watch TV.
Books in the Strong College Library (with the exception of reference books) may now be checked out (yay!). Thanks go to Mark Schumacher for donating a large number of surplus book pockets from the Jackson Library that make this service possible.
Thanks to the efforts of Bob O’Hara and Kim Hathcock the New Official Strong College Puzzle Board is appearing in the Junior Common Room. Try your hand, and watch for new puzzles at more-or-less weekly intervals.
Become One With the Great Net
If you are a new (or old) member of Strong College and have gotten your email account from the computer center in the Bryan Building, you can now take part in our very own Strong College email discussion group, Strong-L. Strong-L is a virtual place for Strong College members to chat, tell jokes, ask questions, and generally learn your way around the Internet. Take a look on the bulletin board outside the College Office for more information!
And Speaking of the Net… (We are Famous Around the World!)
Another virtual place all Strong College members will want to visit is the Strong College world wide web page. The Strong College web page contains lots of information about Strong College, back issues of the Strong College Newsletter, and assorted other goodies. One special service we provide through our web page to the international academic community is a directory of other residential college programs like ours at universities around the world. This directory has been used extensively in the last few months by officials at the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico, who are establishing an entire system of residential colleges on their campus. Since Dr. O’Hara set up the Strong College web page last year it has been visited more than 3000 times by people from 30 countries.
Caution: Wet Foor
Many of the air conditioning units in Moore-Strong Hall leak profusely all over the floor and are causing the floor tiles to buckle come loose (as some of you have already discovered). Residents are advised not to put any valuable items (stereo equipment, books, etc.) directly on the floor, but instead to keep them up on desks or other furniture.
The Strong College Poem-of-the-Week is posted on the bulletin board outside the College Office, and is sometimes reprinted here. This week’s poem is Walt Whitman’s “Beginning My Studies” (1865):
Beginning my studies the first step pleas’d me so much,
The mere fact consciousness, these forms, the power of motion,
The least insect or animal, the senses, eyesight, love,
The first step I say awed me and pleas’d me so much,
I have hardly gone and hardly wish’d to go any farther,
But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.
Join your fellow Strong College members for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in our section of the Caf. It’s a great way to start to get to know people, and recognize the faces of other Strong College members. We eat in the raised area of the room just off the main serving room (the room to the left of the large-screen TV). See you there!
Monday, 4 September
7:00 p.m., Committee Room (230): Small-group Bible study sponsored by the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. For Strong College and Hawkins Hall women every Monday at this time. Contact Jena Poindexter for more information.
Tuesday, 5 September
4:30–5:30 p.m., Junior Common Room: Strong College Tea! Stop by the JCR for food and drink and informal conversation. It’s the social event of the Strong College week. (Laurie White)
9:15–10:00 p.m., Committee Room (230): Strong College Council meeting. All interested students are invited to join the Council officers to plan activities and events, and generally contribute to the life of our College. Call Sherrill Hayes for more information (x2375 and no voice mail).
Thursday, 7 September
12:00 noon, Strong College Dining Area in the Caf: Senior Common Room lunch, for Strong College Fellows and invited students. (We try to invite a few different people each week so most people will get an invitation over the course of the year.)
Saturday, 9 September
7:00–8:00 p.m., The Star Chamber (362): Star Trek: Voyager! Join us in the Delta Quadrant. (Bob O’Hara)
OFFICIAL DISCLAIMERS: Nothing here is official. Please don’t sue us. Just because something is eternal doesn’t mean it can’t be fashionable. No caffeine. All trademarks are the property of their owners. No refills. Not to be taken internally. Beware of sticky wickets. Shake well. This does not represent the official policy of the United States Government, the State of North Carolina, or the Fabled Lost City of the Lemurs™. Not a significant source of calories. Get the cheese to sickbay. Void where prohibited by law. No one under 17 admitted without parent or guardian. Wait three minutes before restarting. Your mileage may vary. Please recycle. This device may cause radio interference if not properly installed. Rules subject to change without notice. Very low sodium. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place. Does not include tax, title, or destination charges. The right of translation is reserved. Per aspera ad astra!