The Collegiate Way: Residential Colleges & the Renewal of University Life  ‹›


______.     * .________             Cornelia STRONG COLLEGE
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___19____...____94_____   Newsletter No. 20     Friday, 10 February 1995
__Per aspera ad astra__             * SPECIAL FLOOD ISSUE *

Items for the Strong College Newsletter may be submitted at any time
to the College Office (Room 140), and by 12:00 noon on Thursdays for
inclusion in the next week’s issue.  Events are open to all members of
Strong College unless otherwise indicated.


- Flash!  Flood Envelops Strong College!  (We Ain’t Kidding) -

Dateline: Third Floor South, February 7th:  Residents of the south side 
of the newly-renovated Moore-Strong Hall survived a massive deluge on 
Tuesday afternoon.  Streams of water emanating from a defective 
sprinkler in the attic poured down walls and through ceiling fixtures.  
A father, who happened to be on the scene, worked manfully to rescue his 
daughter’s effects from the torrent.  As expected, residents showed the 
bedrock ingenuity, humor, unselfishness, and courage that distinguish 
Strong College members.  They hastened to cover their own and their 
friends’ possessions with emergency waterproofing (i.e. garbage bags) 
and comforted each other in the midst of the tumult.  Rescued computers 
were housed temporarily in the Library, guarded by volunteers Meg 
Campbell, Robert Adams, and Jared Karro.  RA Kathy Ross, showing 
coolness under pressure, helped direct rescue operations.  President 
White darted to and fro, not knowing exactly what to do, but hoping she 
was behaving like the honorable captain of the Titanic.  RD Shirley 
Delva arranged emergency accommodations for the survivors.  Much 
discussion has ensued in the wake of the disaster about the advisability 
of issuing life jackets to all residents in the event of another such 
“ghastly experience.”  All flood victims (including those on other 
floors who have experienced residual water damage) are encouraged to 
visit the Office of Housing and Residence Life to discuss restitution.

- Strong College Gopher and World Wide Web Page Now Open! -

Strong College now has its very own gopher site and World Wide Web page
(complete with an electronic rendition of our coat of arms thanks to Dr.
O’Hara).  The gopher and web sites provide access to a number of items 
relating to Strong College, including electronic back issues of this 
Newsletter, current membership lists, information about Cornelia Strong 
herself as well as news-clippings about Strong College and its members.  
A particular special feature is a directory of residential college 
programs at other universities around the world.  Dr. O’Hara hopes that 
this may provide Strong College members (as well as others on campus) 
with more information about the residential college tradition — the 
tradition to which Strong College belongs — and serve as a source of 
ideas for Strong College development.  This directory will be advertised 
to the Internet at large so that people all around the world can learn 
about what we and others like us are doing.

- Help the Special Olympics! -

Strong College Adopt-a-COPP Jerome Lee is selling tee shirts in support 
of the North Carolina Special Olympics for handicapped children.  The 
price is $13 — please see Officer Lee or Ms. Delva to pick one up 

- News of Members -

Strong College undergraduates Ryan Sullivan and India Ochs are serving 
on two campus-wide faculty/student committees: Ryan on the Campus 
Security and Public Safety Committee and India on the Equal Employment 
Opportunity and Intergroup Relations Committee.

An article in last Sunday’s Greensboro News & Record featured the UNCG 
Fencing Club, led by Strong College Fellow Sally Robinson, and it 
included a dramatic photo of our own Ann Smith.

- Poem-of-the-Week -

The Strong College Poem-of-the-Week is now appearing on the bulletin 
board outside the College Office. Our poem this week comes from “Little 
Gidding,” one of T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets (1943):

                  Water and fire succeed
                  The town, the pasture and the weed.
                  Water and fire deride
                  The sacrifice that we denied.
                  Water and fire shall rot
                  The marred foundations we forgot,
                  Of sanctuary and choir.
                    This is the death of water and fire.


- Monday, 13 February -

6:00 - 7:30 p.m., College Library (330): The Strong College Writing 
Corner is open for you!  The Strong College Writing Corner is an annex 
of the University Writing Center, and offers advice and counsel to 
students working on papers for any course.  (Meg Campbell, Amy Garrett, 
Karen Meyers)

- Tuesday, 14 February -

10:00 - 10:45 p.m., Committee Room (230): Strong College Council 
Meeting.  All Strong College students welcome to attend and participate 
and to help plan Strong College activities.  (Pamela Wilson, President)

- Wednesday, 15 February -

4:00 - 5:00 p.m., Junior Common Room (136): President’s Tea!  Stop by 
the JCR for food and drink and informal conversation.  It’s the social 
event of the Strong College week.  (Laurie White)

6:00 - 7:30 p.m., College Library (330): Strong College Writing Corner 
open and ready to offer advice and counsel on any writing assignment you 
may have for any course.  (Meg Campbell, Amy Garrett, Karen Meyers)

11:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.: Listen to Strong College’s own Kathy Ross on 
“The ’Eighties Show,” WUAG 103.1 FM.

- Thursday, 16 February -

5:00 - 6:00 p.m., Senior Common Room (162): Strong College Literary 
Hour.  Bring a favorite short piece to read or just sit back and listen.  
Everyone welcome, with or without lemurs.  (Laurie White)

- Friday, 17 February -

12:00 noon, Strong College Dining Area in the Caf: Senior Common Room 
lunch, for Strong College Fellows and invited students.

- Saturday, 18 February -

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.: Listen to Strong College’s own Jeremy Sarine on 
“Jeremy’s Show,” WUAG Radio, FM 103.1.

7:00 - 8:00 p.m., The Star Chamber (362): Star Trek: Voyager.  Don’t 
miss it!

OFFICIAL DISCLAIMERS:  Nothing here is official.  Please don’t sue us.  
Mind the gap.  All trademarks are the property of their owners.  For 
external use only.  Do not inhale.  Past performance does not guarantee 
future results.  This does not represent the official policy of the 
United States Government, the State of North Carolina, or the fabled 
Lost City of the Lemurs™.  Void where prohibited by law.  Drink 
plenty of fluids.  No one under 17 admitted without parent or guardian.  
Wait three minutes before restarting.  Your mileage may vary.  Please 
recycle.  Rules subject to change.  Keep out of reach of parking lots.  
Store in a cool dry place.  Does not include tax, title, or destination 
charges.  The right of translation is reserved.  And you thought this 
per aspera stuff was just a joke, didn’t you?  Hah!

© Robert J. O’Hara 2000–2021