The Collegiate Way: Residential Colleges & the Renewal of University Life ‹› |
Residential College Histories
Robert J. O’Hara ( of this page
- 1 Australia
- 2 Canada
- 3 Great Britain
- 3 United States
The list below is a working bibliography of residential college histories. It includes college-specific works as well as some histories of entire residential college systems; it does not in general include university histories that contain residential college sections or chapters. Also not included are histories of the Oxford and Cambridge University colleges. Such works have been published for centuries and constitute a genre of their own. One recent Cambridge college history does merit special mention, however, as a model for all others:
Shaw-Miller, Lindsey, ed. 2001. Clare Through the Twentieth Century: Portrait of a Cambridge College. Lingfield, Surrey: Third Millennium Publishing.
This is a beautifully illustrated and sumptuously produced volume that even comes with a compact disc of “Reflections of Clare in music performed by members of Clare College.” I recommend it highly and hope that every residential college will someday be so lovingly chronicled.
I would be pleased to hear of other residential college histories that might be added to this list, and to receive copies for the Collegiate Way’s permanent collection if possible.
¶ For additional publications on residential colleges please visit the Collegiate Way’s page of recommended readings, and for general information please visit the main Collegiate Way page.
- Adelaide, St. Mark’s.
Price, Archibald Grenfell. 1967. A History of St. Mark’s College, University of Adelaide, and the Foundation of the Residential College Movement. Adelaide: The Council of St. Mark’s College.Hardcover; 18 × 23.5 cm.; pp. xiv + 112, illustr., no index. Price was the first Master of St. Mark’s College.
Foreword by Sir Henry Simpson Newland—Preface by Rt. Rev. Thomas T. Reed—Introduction—University Residential Colleges—Foundation and Opening, 1921–1925—Some Early Residents—The Establishment of the College, 1925–1934—The Desertion of St. Andrew’s—Peace and War, 1935–1946—Post-War Rehabilitation and Progress, 1946-1956: I—Post-War Rehabilitation and Progress, 1946–1956: II—New Colleges; Offical Aid; The End of a Chapter—Progress, 1957–1966—“The Proof of the Pudding”: The Collegians.
- Melbourne, Janet Clarke.
Joske, Enid. 1964. Recollections of Janet Clarke Hall: Hoc Collegium Primum Feminarum. Nala Press, 117c Cape St., Heidelberg: Privately Printed.Wrappers; 14 × 21.5 cm; pp. [ii] + 30, no illustr., no index. Joske was Principal of Janet Clarke Hall from 1928–1952.
Acknowledgements—Recollections of Janet Clarke Hall—Conditions Prior to the War of 1939–1945—War Years, 1939–1945—The Post War Period—The Students—Families—Dinners and Social Functions—The Trinity Women’s Society—Bequests and Endowments—Epilogue.
- Melbourne, Janet Clarke.
Gardiner, Lyndsay. 1986. Janet Clarke Hall 1886–1986. South Yarra, Victoria: Hyland House.ISBN 0908090870. Hardcover, dust jacket; 15 × 22 cm; pp. xiv + 221, illustr., index.
Preface — Acknowledgements — ‘…first perceived by Dr Leeper…’ — ‘…our unworkable thing…’ — ‘…years of hard work and good results…’ — ‘…a suitable building…’ — ‘…subject in all respects…’ — More Lambs on the Sheepwalk — ‘…status…equivalent to its stature…’ — ‘…a duly affiliated University College…’ — Home Base — Appendix A — Appendix B — Notes — Bibliography — Index.
- Melbourne, Ormond.
Macintyre, Stuart, ed. 1984. Ormond College Centenary Essays. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.ISBN 0522842771. Hardcover, dust jacket; 15 × 21.5 cm; pp. x + 206, illustr., index.
Preface—Francis Ormond, Patron, by Jim Davidson—The Creation, by Don Chambers—Sir John MacFarland, by Geoffrey Serle—A Quest for College Identity: Women in Ormond 1885 to 1910, by Sarah Stephen—War and Peace: A History of the College Initiation, by Stuart Macintyre—Theological Hall, by Don Chambers—The Doctors, by Ian Maddocks—The Lawyers, by Sam Ricketson—Thirty Years A-Growing, by Davis McCaughey—Abbreviations Used in Notes—Notes—Notes on Contributors—Appendices (Masters of the College, Vice-Masters, Chairmen of the College Council)—Index.
- Melbourne, Queen’s.
Parnaby, Owen. 1990. Queen’s College, University of Melbourne: A Centenary History. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press.ISBN 0522844251. Hardcover, dust jacket; 14 × 21.5 cm; pp. xiv + 316, frontis., illustr., index. “Dr. Owen Parnaby has had a long association with Queen’s College, as a student, tutor, later the fourth Master, 1966–86, and now as a Fellow of the College.”
Foreword by Ian S. Williams—Acknowledgements—Conversions—A University College and a Theological Institution—The First Master—So Fair a Start—Difficult Times—Recovery and World War I—A Healthy Maturity—The Second Master—Depression and World War II—Marking Time—Change and Regeneration—Notes—Bibliography—Index.
- Melbourne, St. Hilda’s.
Maddern, Philippa. 1989. St. Hilda’s College: Forerunners and Foundations. Melbourne: St. Hilda’s College.ISBN 0731662881. Wrappers; 14.5 × 21 cm; pp. viii + 108, illustr., no index.
Preface by Jean McCaughey—Introduction—The Intellectual Maiden—Networks of Support: The Church and the University—Averting Catastrophe: The Murray Report and its Antecedents—Gathering Funds and Making Friends—College and Image-Building—The Fruit of the Years: The College Community Begins—The College and the University.
- Melbourne, Trinity.
Grant, James. 1972. Perspective of a Century: A Volume for the Centenary of Trinity College, Melbourne, 1872–1972. Melbourne: The Council of Trinity College.ISBN 095997590X. Hardcover, dust jacket; 18 × 23.5 cm.; pp. xvi + 202, illustr., index. Grant was Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Melbourne and resident Honorary Chaplain of Trinity College.
Foreword by Dr. R.L. Sharwood—Preface—Preliminaries—The First Wardenship, 1876–1918—The Second Wardenship, 1918–1946—The Third Wardenship, 1946–1964—The Setting—An Educational Establishment—Pro Ecclesia—Pro Patria—The Gentlemen—Gentlemanly Pursuits—A Fair Home of Religion and Learning—The Fourth Wardenship, 1965–—Appendix: The College Coat of Arms—Index.
- Melbourne, Trinity.
Miley, Caroline. 1997. Trinity College Chapel: An Appreciation. Melbourne: Trinity College.(Not seen.)
- Melbourne, Trinity.
Nicholls, Lara. 2001. In a New Light: The Art Collection of Trinity College, The University of Melbourne. Melbourne: Trinity College.(Not seen.)
- Queensland, Cromwell.
Lockley, G. Lindsay. 1964. Grads and Undergrads and Fellows: Cromwell College, The University of Queensland, 1950–1964. Brisbane: Cromwell College.(Not seen.)
- Queensland, Duchesne.
[Duchesne College.] 1989. Duchesne College 1937–1989: From Acorn to Oak. Brisbane: Boolarong.ISBN 0731670507. (Not seen.)
- Queensland, King’s.
King’s College Publications Committee. 1938. The Annals of King’s College Affiliated with the University of Queensland: Silver Jubilee 1913–1938. Brisbane.(Not seen.)
- Queensland, King’s.
[King’s College.] 1963. The Story of King’s College, Within the University of Queensland: Commemorating the First Fifty Years 1913 to 1963. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press.(Not seen.)
- Queensland, Union.
Schiavo, John, Peggy Burke, & Ross Johnston. 1997. Union College: A History. St. Lucia, Queensland: Union College.(Not seen.)
- Queensland, St. Leo’s.
Head, Michael A. 1991. St. Leo’s College, The Memory: St. Leo’s College Within the University of Queensland 1917–1992. Queensland: Leonian Press.Hardcover, no dust jacket; 15.5 × 24 cm.; pp. x + 212, illustr., no index.
Preface—Acknowledgements—Beginnings—The Golden Age 1917–1919—The New College—Tragedy 1919—The Age of Gods 1920–1935—The Vincentians 1936–1954—The Coming of the Jesuits 1954–1960—Life on the Terrace—Pioneers in St. Lucia—The New Age: Fr. Brian Fleming S.J. 1967–1977—Father Vincent Hurley S.J. 1977–1988—The Recent Years 1989–1991—Appendices—Tables—Register of Students—Bibliography.
- Queensland, Women’s.
Brotherton, Hilda. 1973. A College is Built. Queensland: Women’s College Old Collegians’ Association.Hardcover; 14 × 22 cm.; pp. 102, illustr., no index.
Foreword by Alan Masefield, Governor of Queensland—Author’s Preface—Its Beginnings: An Idea—A Drive for Funds—College Opens—War Years’ Difficulties—Aftermath of War—Dr. Freda Bage—Years of Economic Depression—End of an Epoch: Dr. Bage Retires—A New Principal: Miss M. Piddington—Wider Horizons—The New College—A Different Regime: Mrs. G.M. Budtz-Olsen—Conclusion—Appendix I: The Women’s College Council—Appendix II: The Standing Committee—Appendix III: The Building Appeals Committee—Cost of Buildings—Appendix IV: The Women’s College Old Collegians’ Association—Appendix V: The Students’ Club—Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes—Endowments—Notes—Students in Residence.
- Sydney, The College System.
Gamble, Allan. 1964. Six Colleges: An Appreciation of Some Physical Aspects of the Residential Colleges Within the University of Sydney. Glebe, New South Wales: Printed on behalf of the author by Australasian Medical Publishing Company Limited.Hardcover, plastic dust jacket; 22 × 26 cm; pp. [72, unpaginated], illustr., no index. An album of interior and exterior architectural sketches and watercolors, with a brief textual introduction.
St. Paul’s College—St. John’s College—St. Andrew’s College—The Women’s College—Wesley College—Sancta Sophia College.
- Sydney, St. Andrew’s.
[St. Andrew’s College.] 1964. The Andrew’s Book: Being a Book About St. Andrew’s College Within the University of Sydney. Sydney: The Principal and Councillors of St. Andrew’s College.Hardcover, plastic dust jacket; 13.5 × 21.5 cm; pp. [xiv] + 110, illustr., no index. Contributors include Dr. Ian Nish, Hon. Sir George Fuller, Prof. G.A. Wood, Rev. Dr. Andrew Harper, Hon. Mr. Justice Ashburner, Rev. Dr. Cumming Thom, Rev. Alan Dougan, Rev. D.W.K. Webster. [Revised edition 1970 in the same format with several additional chapters listed below.]
Foreword by Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charles Bickerton Blackburn—Introduction—A History of the College—As We Were—The First Principal—The Second Principal—Dr. Kinross—The Third Principal—The University and the Colleges—The Fourth Principal—An Appreciation of Dr. Anderson—The Fifth Principal—The Development of the College—The Sixth Principal—An Appreciation of Professor McIntyre—The Seventh Principal—Christo Ecclesiae Litteris—Bryan Fuller, Q.C.—The College Hall and Chapel—The Library—College Paintings—Scholarships and Bursaries—The Fellows—The Theological Hall—The St. Andrew’s College Society—Honour Roll: Andrew’s Men Who Gave Their Lives in the World Wars—Rhodes Scholars—The Rawson Cup—College Servants—The College Roll—Statutes and By-laws of St. Andrew’s College Within the University of Sydney—The St. Andrew’s College Students’ Club. [Additional chapters in the 1970 edition: Sir Angus Murray—Andrew Thyne Reid, Benefactor—The Arms of St. Andrew’s College—The Building Programme of the Nineteen Sixties—St. Andrew’s College Dramatic Society.]
- Sydney, St. Andrew’s.
Cameron, Peter. 1997. Finishing School for Blokes: College Life Exposed. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin.ISBN 186448134X. Wrappers, dust jacket; 13.2 × 19.6 cm; pp. xii + 202, no index.
Prologue—First Impressions—The College Curse—‘For they are young and free’: The Students—Jolly Good Fellows: The Senior Common Room—Twelve Good Men and True? The Council—First Among Equals? The Principal—Men: An Endangered Species? Coeducation—Types—The Last Five Years—Parallels.
- Sydney, Women’s.
Hole, W. Vere, & Anne H. Treweeke. 1953. The History of the Women’s College Within the University of Sydney. Sydney: Angus and Robertson.Hardcover, dust jacket; 13.5 × 21.5 cm; pp. xii + 212, frontis., illustr., no index.
A Principle is Established—The Foundation Period—Miss Macdonald as Principal—Miss Williams as Principal—Miss Wedgwood and her Successors—Conclusion—Appendix—Past Students of the Women’s College.
- Tasmania, Christ.
Cowling, C.C., ed. 1946. The Wilfridian. Special Issue to Commemorate the Centenary of Christ College, October 1st, 1946: 1846–1946. Hobart: Christ College.Limp boards; 20.5 × 13.8 cm; pp. 40, illustr., no index. The Wilfridian was the journal of the Order of St. Wilfrid and was published by the theological faculty at the University of Tasmania. The institutional history of Christ College is complex, but one major episode in that history was the merger of an earlier St. Wilfrid’s College (for theological students) with Christ College in 1929.
The Warden’s Letter by W.R. Barrett—Editor’s Notes by C.C. Cowling—St. Wilfrid’s College by D.B. Blackwood—College Roll, 1846—Programme for Bishop’s Visit, 1848—Letter from Five Former Fellows—Extracts from the Will of James Denton Toosey, of Richmond Hill, near Longford, in Tasmania—List of Students, 1929—List of Students, 1946—Letter of H. Willingham Gell, Son of Rev. J.P. Gell, Dated May 15th, 1939—A Letter of J.P. Gell—Extracts from Gell’s Letters—Board of Management, 1946—List of Wardens of Christ College—List of Rhodes Scholars—World War II—List of Wardens of St. Wilfrid’s College—Bishopbourne Relics of Christ College—Intercession List—Christ College 1846–1946—The Story of Christ College: Its Place in Tasmanian History by Basil W. Rait—The Centenary of Christ College by W.H. Hudspeth.
- Tasmania, Christ.
Fearnley-Sander, Mary. 1986. Thomas Arnold and the Idea of Christ College. Hobart: University of Tasmania Printing Section. (University of Tasmania Occasional Paper.)ISBN 0859013324. Pp. 22. (Not seen.)
- Western Australia, St. Catherine’s.
Stewart, Noël. 1978. St. Catherine’s College: From Dream to Reality, 1928–1978. Perth: St. Catherine’s College.ISBN 0959634908. Wrappers; 13.5 × 21.5 cm; pp. [vi] + 78, illustr., no index.
Introduction—Part I: Early Days, 1928–1946—Part II: The Years 1960–1978—Appendices.
- Western Australia, St. Columba.
Robinson, Dave. 1980. Dove Rising: A Brief History of St. Columba College. Nedlands, Western Australia: St. Columba College.ISBN 095945070X. Wrappers; 13.5 × 22 cm; pp. [vi] + 122, illustr., no index. St. Columba College and Kingswood College were incorporated into Trinity College in 2000.
Foreword by Sir Ronald Wilson—Introduction—Origins—What’s in a Name?—The College Crest—Raising Money—A Mixed College?—Property Purchases—The First Building Stage—Appointment of the Principal—The Lodge—The Missing Motto—The College Opens—To Wear or Not to Wear a Gown—The Second Building Stage—The Third Building Stage—A Sporting College?—Christian Faith Within the College—The Staff of the College—The Fourth Building Stage—The College Council 1962–1970—People and Events—The People of the College: A Comprehensive Who’s Who—The Pairing Process—The College Constitution.
- Trent, Catharine Parr Traill.
Ivits, Shantel. 2004. Traill Ale for the Trent Soul. Belleville, Ontario: Seraphine Publishing.ISBN 0973018755. Wrappers; 13.4 × 20.4 cm.; pp. 126, illustr., no index. “Shantel Ivits is a Champlain Scholar at Trent University. She has been a member of the Catharine Parr Traill College Cabinet, as well as University Senate, and currently serves as Vice President University Affairs for the Trent Central Student Association.”
Foreword—The Campus Tour—Queen of the Hill: The Biography of Catharine Parr Traill—School Spirit? The Ghost Stories of Traill College—The Traill College Community and the “Oxford on the Ontonabee”—Vegetarian Soup for the Traill Soul—Double Jeopardy: The Downtown College Controversy—The Traill College Student Housing Cooperative—Acknowledgements—Appendix 1: The Residential College Model—Appendix 2: Internet Resources on Cooperatives—Endnotes.
- Waterloo, St. Jerome’s.
McLaughlin, Kenneth, Gerald Stortz, & James Wahl. 2002. Enthusiasm for the Truth: An Illustrated History of St. Jerome’s University. Waterloo, Ontario: St. Jerome’s University.ISBN 0973121300. Hardcover, dust jacket; 22 × 25.5 cm.; pp. 284, illustr., no index. “McLaughlin is Professor of History and formerly Chair of History and Vice-President and Academic Dean.”
Foreword by Richard J. Gwyn, Chancellor—Preface—Acknowledgements—Enthusiasm for the Truth—St. Jerome’s in Berlin—Decline and Recovery—The Spetz Years—Into the Twentieth Century—From the Great War to the Great Depression—St. Jerome’s Again—The Kingsdale Years—The University Question—Towards a New University—St. Jerome’s at Waterloo—A Reluctant President: Challenging Times—A Contemporary Catholic University—Endnotes—A Note About Sources.
Great Britain
- Durham, Collingwood.
Tuck, Anthony. 1997. Collingwood College, University of Durham: A Jubilee History 1972–1997. Durham: Collingwood College.ISBN 0953176207. Wrappers; 18 × 25 cm.; pp. xii + 119, illustr., index. Tuck was Master of Collingwood College from 1978–1987.
Preface—Introduction—“The Best-Laid Plans”, 1960–1971—Bricks and Mortar, 1971–1974—The Young College, 1974–1978—Calm and Continuity, 1978–1987—The End of an Era, 1987–1992—Collingwood Reinvented, 1992–1997—Index.
- Durham, Grey.
Watson, Nigel. 2004. From the Ashes: The Story of Grey College, Durham. London: James & James Ltd.ISBN 0904022006. Hardcover, dust jacket; 19 × 24.3 cm.; pp. 112, index.
Foreword by Martyn Chamberlain—Acknowledgements—Beginnings—Buildings and Facilities—Masters, Dons and Fellows—Governing—Living and Learning—Appendices.
- Durham, Hatfield.
Whitworth, Thomas Anthony. [1971]. Yellow Sandstone and Mellow Brick: An Account of Hatfield College, Durham 1846–1971. [Durham:] Privately printed.Wrappers; 14 × 22 cm.; pp. [frontis.] + 104, 8 plates, errata slip, no index. Whitworth was Master of Hatfield College beginning in 1956.
Foreword—The Background—The Hall in its First Half Century—The Hall in its Second Half Century—The Post-War Years, 1946–71—A Procession of Principals—A Draught of Dons—Some Vital Statistics—The Recent Revolution—Appendix.
- Durham, Hatfield.
Moyes, Arthur. 1996. Hatfield 1846–1996: A History of Hatfield College in the University of Durham. Durham: Hatfield College Trust.ISBN 0903324016. Wrappers; 20.5 × 29.5 cm.; pp. vi + 354, illustr., index. “Written to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Hatfield College, the second oldest student community of Durham University.” [A hardcover edition also exists.]
Introduction—David Melville—Henderson, Bradby & Lonsdale—John Pedder—James Barmby—William Sanday—Archibald Robertson—Frank Byron Jevons—Arthur Robinson—Angus Alexander Macfarlane-Grieve—Eric Birley—Thomas Anthony Whitworth—James Peden Parber.
- Durham, St. Aidan’s.
Rodmell, Graham E. 1997. St Aidan’s: From Home Students to Society to College. Durham: St. Aidan’s College.ISBN 0953046508. Wrappers; 14.7 × 20.9 cm.; pp. [xiv] + 220, illustr., index.
Preface—Contents—List of Illustrations—Pre-History—The Birth of St Aidan’s Society—St Aidan’s Society Under Miss Scott—St Aidan’s College: The Early Years—Irene Hindmarsh—Two Principals and a Rector—Notes—Index.
- Durham, St. Cuthbert’s.
Tudor, Henry. 1988. St Cuthbert’s Society 1888-1988: The History of “a Modest but Exciting Institution in the University of Durham.” Durham: St. Cuthbert’s Society.ISBN 0951337408. Wrappers; 14.5 × 21 cm.; pp. xii + 236, illustr., index.
Preface—Origins and Early Years—The Tosher Republic on Palace Green—War, Decline, and Resurrection—The New Dispensation—Expansion, Liberalisation, and Reform—The Years of Tranquility and Adjustment—Appendix—Notes.
- Durham, St. Hild and St. Bede.
Lawrence, Angel. 1958. St. Hild’s College: 1858–1958. Darlington: William Dresser and Sons.Hardcover, dust jacket; 14 × 21.3 cm.; pp. 131, illustr., no index. The College of St. Hild and St. Bede was formed by the union in 1975 of the College of the Venerable Bede (established in 1839 as a teacher training college for men) and St. Hild’s College (established in 1858 as a teacher training college for women). The combined College of St. Hild and St. Bede existed for four years as an independent teacher training institution, and then in 1979 became a college of the University of Durham. Angel Lawrence was the principal of St. Hild’s College from 1933–1951.
The First Fifty Years—Foundations—Early Days—Growing Pains—Expansion—Student Reflections and Recollections—The Second Fifty Years—A New Look—Transition—St. Hild’s Today and Tomorrow—Some Distinctive Features—Founders and Benefactors—Constitution and Management—Principals and Staff—The Demonstration School—School Practice: Then and Now—College Worship—The University Connection—The College Association—Appendix 1: The Buildings—Appendix 2: The Officers—Appendix 3: Reports 1858 and 1957.
- Durham, St. Hild and St. Bede.
Webster, Donald E. 1973. Bede College: A Commentary. Newcastle upon Tyne: J. & P. Bealls Ltd.Wrappers; 18 × 22 cm.; pp. 96, illustr., no index. “‘Danny’ Webster came as close as it is possible for someone to die in harness. His death came within hours only of a school visit. How fortunate are the readers that he managed to assemble this fascinating history during his last few months.”
The Author, by T. Whittaker—A Beginning—From Day to Day—Work—Stones and Concrete—Church and Chapel—War and the Man—Sport—Two of Our Institutions—Of Clothes, Badges and Things—A Note on Bede Food—Odd Memories—Not Entirely Retrospect—Residual Impressions.
- Durham, St. Hild and St. Bede.
Booth, Ian G. 1979. The College of St. Hild and St. Bede, Durham. Durham: The College of St. Hild and St. Bede.Wrappers; 29.3 × 21 cm.; pp. [60, unpaginated], illustr., no index.
Acknowledgements—Preface—Three Beginnings—Sites and Buildings—Chapels and Worship—The Model School and School Contacts—Academic and Professional Work—War and the Colleges—Sport and Recreation—Community Service and Contacts—Overseas Connections—Past Students’ Associations—The University Connection—Three Endings.
- Durham, St. John’s.
Yates, T.E. 1981. A College Remembered.(Not seen.)
- Durham, St. John’s.
Yates, T.E. 2001. A College Remembered (second edition). Spennymoor, County Durham: MacDonald Press Ltd.Wrappers; 14.7 × 20.9 cm.; pp. 102, illustr., no index. “T.E. Yates was a member of the staff of St. John’s College, Durham from 1963 to 1979 and Warden of Cranmer Hall from 1971. While serving in the diocese of Derby as rector of Darley and Director of Ordinands, he rejoined the College Council in 1987.... In this history, first printed by the College as a contribution to the 150th anniversary of the University of Durham and now updated, he has set the College’s development within the history of the University and in the wider context of Anglican Evangelicalism in the twentieth century.”
Preface—Beginnings 1909–1919—The Wallis Era 1919–1945—The War Years 1939–1945—Reconstruction 1945–1953—Expansion and Experiment 1954–1970—Continuity and Consolidation 1970–1978—Towards a Centenary 1978–2000—Appendix I: Members of St. John’s College Academic Staff 1909–1979—Appendix II: Members of the First College Council of St. John’s and Members of the College Council of 1922—Appendix III: List of Appointments Held by Charles Wallis in the University of Durham—Appendix IV: Reminiscences of the Years 1945 to 1953 by the Bishop of Leicester, Dr. R.R. Williams.
- Durham, St. John’s.
Craig, Amabel, ed. 2009. Fides Nostra Victoria: A Portrait of St John’s College, Durham. London: Third Millennium Publishing.ISBN 9781903942864. Hardcover, dust jacket; 20 × 25.5 cm.; pp. 128, illustr., index. (Not seen; details fide Frank Cranmer, with thanks.)
Preface (by Michael Turnbull)—Introduction—Foundations Laid 1909—Foundations Cemented: Nowell Rostron and Dawson-Walker 1909–19—The Wallis Years 1919–45—War and Welfare: Williams’s Reconstruction 1945–54—Expansion and Extension: James Hickinbotham 1954–70—Continuity and Consolidation: John Cockerton 1970–8—The Introduction of Women: 1966 and 1973—Changes, Challenges and Conferences: Ruth Etchells 1979–88—Planning and Progress: Anthony Thistelton 1988–92—Communication and Continuing Confidence: David Day 1992–9—Into the New Millennium: Stephen Sykes 1999–2006—Cranmer Hall: Celebrating the Jubilee 1958–2008—Buildings and Estates—St Mary-the-Less: The Heart of St John’s—Finance—Student Life through the Century—The Junior Common Room—Sporting Life—Johnian Romances—The Arts—Food, Glorious Food!—High Days and Holy Days—The Johnian Family—Social Action and Globalization—The Next 100 Years: The Principal’s Vision (by David A Wilkinson)—List of Subscribers—Index—Acknowledgements.
- Durham, St. Mary’s.
Hird, Marilyn, ed. 1974. St. Mary’s College, 1899–1974: An Account of the Women’s Hostel 1899–1920 and Some Impressions of Later College Life. Durham: St. Mary’s College Society.ISBN 0950321605. Wrappers; 20 × 22 cm.; pp. [96, unpaginated], illustr., no index.
Introduction by Mrs. Mary Holdsworth, Principal of St. Mary’s College and President of St. Mary’s College Society—Women are Admitted to the University of Durham—The Women’s Hostel, 33 Claypath—From a Student Point of View…—Abbey House—A Hostel Becomes a College—A Hope Long Deferred—The Recent Past—Newsletter.
- Durham, St. Mary’s.
Hird, Marilyn, ed. 1982. Doves & Dons: A History of St. Mary’s College, Durham. An Account of the Women’s Hostel 1899–1920 and Some Impressions of Later College Life. Durham: St. Mary’s College.ISBN 0950321613. Wrappers; 20.3 × 21.9 cm.; pp. [104, unpaginated], illustr., no index. “First published 1974, entitled St. Mary’s College, 1899–1974, as a special 75th anniversary newsletter for St. Mary’s College Society. Revised and enlarged edition published 1982 by St. Mary’s College, University of Durham, Elvet Hill Road, Durham, DH1 3LR.”
Preface by Joan M. Kenworthy—Introduction to the First Edition, 1974, Addressed to Former Students by Mrs. Mary Holdsworth, Principal of St. Mary’s College and President of St. Mary’s College Society—Women are Admitted to the University of Durham—The Women’s Hostel, 33 Claypath—From a Student Point of View…—Abbey House—A Hostel Becomes a College—A Hope Long Deferred—Expansion—Disheartening Economies—A Lively and Happy Community.
- Durham, St. Mary’s.
Boyd, Elizabeth B. 1999. St. Mary’s College, University of Durham, 1899–1999: A Centenary Review. Durham: St. Mary’s College.ISBN 0953599612. Wrappers; 16.5 × 23.3 cm.; pp. [x] + 270, illustr., index.
Foundations by Elizabeth A. Fox—‘One More Student’—College as Community—Students in College—A Wider Experience—Envoy, by Joan M. Kenworthy—Endnote—Appendix: College Songs—Select Bibliography.
- Durham, Trevelyan.
Martin, Susan. 2006. Trevs: A Celebration of 40 Years. Durham: The Trevelyan Trust, Trevelyan College.ISBN 1904499074. Wrappers; 14.2 × 20.5 cm.; pp. [xi] + 198, illustr., no index. One of Durham’s “new” colleges, Trevelyan occupies a distinctive group of hexagonal buildings designed by John Eastwick-Field. “The author, Susan Martin, is the wife of the current Principal. She has lived on site and taken an active role in the College since 2000.”
The Ancestors: 1832–1960 — Gestation: 1960–1966 — Up and running, but not yet home: 1965–1967 — Establishing the identity: 1967–1972 — Settled staff, inflationary times: 1972–1978 — The old order changeth: 1978–1980 — Men—legitimately at last: 1980-1993 — More than Acting Principal: 1993–1996 — Building on earlier success: 1996–2000 — Into the future: 2000–2006 and onwards.
- Durham, University.
Bythell, Duncan. 1985. Durham Castle: University College, Durham. Norwich: Jarrold Colour Publications.Wrappers; 15.4 × 24.8 cm.; pp. 25, illustr., no index. An illustrated tourist booklet, with fine photography by Richard Tilbrook.
A Short History of the Castle—The Castle as a Fortress—The Castle as a Bishop’s Palace—The Castle as a College—A Tour of the Castle—The Gatehouse—The Courtyard—The Entrance, Buttery, and Kitchen—The Great Hall—The Black Staircase—Tunstal’s Gallery—Tunstal’s Chapel—The State Rooms—The Norman Gallery—The Norman Chapel.
- Durham, University.
Jones, Edgar. 1996. University College, Durham: A Social History. Aberystwyth: Published by the Author.ISBN 0952826402. Hardcover, dust jacket; 14.7 × 21 cm.; pp. 312, illustr., index. [A paperback edition also exists.]
Before the Foundation—The Prebends—The Search for Status—Teachers—Undergraduates—Warden Thorp, with some Observations on the Keep, the Choral Society, and Keeping Day—Good Clean Fun – And Games—Alfred Plummer and Walter Kercheval Hilton—Fin de Siècle—A ’Nineties Diarist: C.F. Turnbull—War and Inter-War—The Castle in Danger—Hesterna: Goddess of Unchanging Beauty—A ’Thirties Miniaturist—The Rule of the Colonels—Interludum—Green Bursting Figs and Chian Wine.
- Durham, University.
Brickstock, Richard. 2007. Durham Castle: Fortress, Palace, College. Huddersfield: Jeremy Mills Publishing Ltd.ISBN 1905217242. Hardcover, dust jacket; 21.9 × 2.76 cm. (landscape); pp. [xii] + 148, illustr., index. (Not seen; details fide Frank Cranmer, with thanks.)
Foreword by Bill Bryson—The University College Durham Trust—Preface—Acknowledgements—Durham Castle. An Introduction—Durham Castle as a Fortress—Durham Castle as a Palace—University College and the University of Durham—Durham Castle in the 21st century—The Way Ahead—Appendix One: Prince Bishops of Durham—Appendix Two: University College Officers—Appendix Three: A Note on Sources—Index.
- Durham, Van Mildert.
Bradshaw, Arnold. 1990. Van Mildert College : The First 25 Years: A Sketch.Wrappers; 15 × 21 cm.; pp. 29, no illustr., no index. (Recorded from a photocopy via Frank Cranmer, with thanks.)
Presidents of the Senior Common Room—Presidents of the Junior Common Room—Dr Prowse: Beginnings, 1964–67—Dr Prowse: Men’s College, 1967–70—Dr Prowse: Maturity and Mixing, 1970–72—Dr Kent: Two College in One, 1972–73—Dr Kent: Reorganization, 1973–75—Dr Kent: A Flourishing Society, 1975–1982—Mr Bradshaw: Conservation, 1983–88—Dr Turner: New Era, 1988– .
United States
- Rice, The College System
Raphael, Michael, ed. 1990. The History of Student Life at Rice University: A Series of Papers. Houston, Texas: Rice University Centennial Celebration Committee.Wrappers; 15 × 22.8 cm.; pp. x + 208, no illustr., no index. An edited volume of papers by a variety of authors, most of them students, divided into two parts: “People, Activities, Traditions” (three papers) and “The Residential College System” (four papers).
Preface—Acknowledgements—Introduction—Timeline of Student Life—People in Student Life: The History of Women to 1957 by Christine Van Wart—Activities in Student Life: The History of Student Theater by Margaret Jelinek—Traditions in Student Life: Four at Rice, 1912–1950 by Mary Elliott—Birth of an Idea: The Formation of the College System by Carolyn Strohm—Influence of the Masters: The History of Hanszen College by Ross Goldberg—Strength of Identity: The History of Weiss College by Colin Delany—College of Individuals: The History of Will Rice by Michael Raphael—Appendix A: Residential College Profiles—Appendix B: Beer-Bike Race Winners—Contributors.
- Yale, The College System
[Yale Alumni Weekly.] 1933. The Yale Residential Colleges. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Publishing Association.Wrappers; 21.5 × 29.6 cm.; pp. [96, unpaginated], illustr., no index. A specially printed edition of The Yale Alumni Weekly (vol. 43, no. 13, 22 December 1933) introducing the new college system to the university’s alumni; extensively illustrated. “The photographs in this book are by Irvin L. Beebe, Frederick Bush, and F.G. Ludwig of New Haven, Conn., and The Old Masters Studio of New York City.... The pencil drawings by M. Paul Roche are from a series that he has made of the New Yale; they will appear in portfolio form at a later date. The descriptions of the architecture of the various Colleges are by Carroll L.V. Meeks, Yale 1928 and 1931 Art, Instructor in Architecture in the Yale School of Fine Arts.”
History of the College Plan by Charles Seymour—Educational Aspects of the College Plan by William Clyde DeVane—Plans for College Athletics at Yale by Malcolm Farmer—Pictures on the Walls of the New Colleges by Theodore Sizer—The Bookplates, China, and Silverware of the Colleges by Carl A. Lohmann—Branford College—Calhoun College—Davenport College—Jonathan Edwards College—Pierson College—Saybrook College—Trumbull College.
- Yale, The College System
Rogers, Bruce. 1948. The Arms of Yale University and its Colleges at New Haven. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.Hardcover, glassine dust jacket; 10.8 × 17.4 cm.; pp. [36, unpaginated], illustr., no index. A small letterpress armorial “Arranged by Bruce Rogers, Hon. M.A., Yale,” the famous printer and type designer, with color illustrations of the arms and seven pages of notes by Carl A. Lohmann. The colors appear to have been printed by blocks, and the intention seems to have been to add the metals (gold and silver) by hand; in my copy the silver has been added to Trumbull but no others, and the gold has been omitted everywhere it should appear. A second edition appeared in 1963, adding the arms of Yale College and two new residential colleges (Morse and Ezra Stiles), and with expanded notes credited to Carl A. Lohmann and Reuben A. Holden. These two small volumes appear to be imitations of an armorial of Cambridge University published in almost the same format: The Arms of the University & Colleges of Cambridge “described by R.W. Oldfield … with twenty full-page reproductions in colour from drawings by W.G. Blackwell and A. Cousins (London: A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1931).
- Yale, The College System
Caroll, Richard C., ed. 1977. The Residential Colleges at Yale University. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University.Third edition. An official introductory booklet; pp. 66. (Second edition, 1967, edited by George D. Vaill.) (Not seen.)
- Yale, The College System
[Yale Alumni Weekly.] 1933. The Yale Residential Colleges. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Publishing Association.History of the College Plan by Charles Seymour—Educational Aspects of the College Plan by William Clyde DeVane—Plans for College Athletics at Yale by Malcolm Farmer—Pictures on the Walls of the New Colleges by Theodore Sizer—The Bookplates, China, and Silverware of the Colleges by Carl A. Lohmann—Branford College—Calhoun College—Davenport College—Jonathan Edwards College—Pierson College—Saybrook College—Trumbull College.
- Yale, Berkeley.
Goldberger, Paul, Stephen Keiran, & Laurence Winnie. 1999. Berkeley: The Building of a College. New Haven, Connecticut: Berkeley College, Yale University.“In three parts with essays by Paul Goldberger, Stephen Keiran, and Laurence Winnie.” (Not seen.)
- Yale, Branford.
Buck, Polly Stone. 1989. The Master’s Wife. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books.ISBN 091269792X. Hardcover, dust jacket; 13.5 × 21.5 cm.; pp. [vi] + 158, no illustr., no index. “From 1942 until 1959, Steve and Polly Buck served as master and master’s wife at Branford College for hundreds of undergraduates and distinguished visitors to Branford.” Some excerpts from The Master’s Wife on pastoral care and college tea are available from the Collegiate Way’s recommended reading page.
- Yale, Jonathan Edwards.
Ryan, Mark B. 2001. A Collegiate Way of Living: Residential Colleges and a Yale Education. New Haven, Connecticut: Jonathan Edwards College, Yale University.ISBN 1402850611. Wrappers; 15.2 × 22.8 cm.; pp. 160, illustr., no index. “Mark B. Ryan is Titular Professor of International Relations at the Universidad de las Américas–Puebla, where he also serves as Regent of Colegio José Gaos, President of the Council of Regents, and Coordinator of the graduate program in United States Studies. Prior to his arrival at UDLA in 1997, he was for over twenty years Dean of Jonathan Edwards College and a teacher of history and American studies at Yale University.”
Foreword by Richard H. Brodhead—Preface and Acknowledgements—Introduction: Yale’s Residential Colleges—Checking the Circles: Welcoming Remarks—The University: The Changing Shape of a Yale Education—The American Residential College: Genesis and Legacy—The Collegiate Way: Historical Purposes of Residential Colleges—Residential College Deanships: An Anniversary Celebration—Self and Curriculum: Growing Through a Yale Education—Inner Life / Yale Life—The College in the University—Self-knowledge and Liberal Education—Heart and Intellect: The Dalai Lama at Yale—Why J.E. Sux: The Spirit of a Residential College—Internationalizing Residential Colleges: An Experience in Mexico.
- Yale, Pierson.
Leyburn, James G. 1944. Pierson College: The First Decade, 1933–1943. Stamford, Connecticut: The Overbrook Press.Hardcover; 13.5 × 21.5 cm.; pp. [viii] + 86, illustr., no index. “One thousand copies have been printed at the Overbrook Press in Stamford, Connecticut. Sketches by T.M. Cleland; typography by Margaret B. Evans; presswork by John F. MacNamara.”
Introductory Note by Arnold Wolfers—Prolegomena: Yale Before 1933—The Beginnings of Pierson College—Pierson Under Arnold Wolfers—“Let Us Now Praise Famous Men”—Postscript—List of Fellows.
- Yale, Pierson.
Hershey, John. 1970. Letter to the Alumni [of Pierson College]. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.ISBN 394468430. Hardcover, dust jacket; 14 × 21 cm.; pp. [x] + 150, no illustr., no index. “John Hershey in his Letter to the Alumni on leaving Yale after five years as Master of Pierson College, tells how Yale survived its dangerous Mayday crisis—and calls for a rediscovery of today’s college students and of the ‘revolution’ they seek.”
On Bullshit—Color Line—The Rackley Case—A Survival That Is Worth It—Confrontational Hysteria—The Brewster Statement—Mayday—Controlling Violence—Where Do We Go From There?—Working Within the System—American Repression—A Survival That Is Worth It (Reprise).
- Yale, Timothy Dwight.
Havemeyer, Loomis. 1959. A History of Timothy Dwight College in Yale University, 1935–1958. New Haven: Timothy Dwight College.Hardcover, dust jacket; 13.5 × 21.5 cm.; pp. xx + 142, illustr., no index. Havemeyer was a Fellow of Timothy Dwight College.
Preface—Letters from the Masters—The Building of the Colleges—The Beginning of Timothy Dwight—War Years—Post War Period—The Present—Appendix—Notes.