The Collegiate Way: Residential Colleges & the Renewal of University Life  ‹›


Higher Education News from the Collegiate Way

These news items about residential colleges, collegiate houses, and the renewal of university life are posted for readers of the Collegiate Way website. For more about residential colleges and collegiate universities please visit the main Collegiate Way page.

Mercator College at International University Bremen

The International University Bremen is a newly-founded private university in Germany, and it is being built from the beginning on the residential college model. It is the first collegiate university in Germany and testifies to the growing international character of the residential college movement.

IUB’s first college was Alfried Krupp College, founded in 2001 along with the university itself, and this past year IUB’s second collegiate society, Mercator College, has come into being. The masters of Mercator College are Mandy and Klaus Boehnke, and they have designated their two-year-old son Philip as a co-master of the college also—suggesting he belongs in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s youngest college master!

We wish the masters, fellows, and scholars of Mercator College much success in the future, and it looks like that success is guaranteed since the collegiate spirit is alive there already: “Mercator College is surely more than just a bunch of rooms where we live, it is home, and we are definitely more than just its inhabitants, we are a family.” Vivat, crescat, floreat Mercator College!

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