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Strong College Council, 1999–2000

The Strong College Council is the student organizing body of Strong College. All Strong College students may participate in the work of the Council simply by attending its weekly meetings—nothing more is required. Attendance at Council meetings is a great way to make friends and meet new people, and to contribute to the life of Strong College. For students who want to participate in a more formal and sustained way, the Council has a number of elected and appointed officers, and these positions are open to all junior members of the College. Students aspiring to one of these positions should be sure to attend Council meetings regularly and participate in Council discussions.

College Council Structure

The President of the Council is elected each April by the whole junior membership of the College. This is one of the most important positions of trust and responsibility in Strong College. The President coordinates all the activities of the Council and presides over its meetings. The President takes office each spring in a gavel-passing ceremony held at the College Tea.

One of the College’s resident staff members serves each year as Secretary to the Council and takes the minutes of each meeting. The Senior Tutor typically attends Council meetings as well, representing the Fellows of the College.

The Council does much of its work through a series of committees, and every student in the College may participate in this work. Most committees have two chairs who are selected at a Council meeting in the spring to serve for the year ahead, and they recruit other students to help with that committee’s work. While the mechanism does exist to formally vote on these committee chairmanships, the Council tries to operate by consensus and attempts to find a useful place for every student who wishes to participate. New committees may also be formed by the Council from time to time as needs and interests dictate.

The College Council also administers two of the most popular features of Strong College life:

The headquarters of the College Council is the Committee Room (Moore-Strong 230) where the weekly Council meetings take place, along with the weekly Blue Lemur Coffee Bar and the Lemurodeon. Council officers have keys to the Committee Room, which is locked when not in use. The Committee Room houses a wide range of Strong College memorabilia as well.

© Robert J. O’Hara 2000–2021