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Welcome Week at Strong College, August 1998
Welcome week for the Class of 2002 at Strong College, August 1998. Check-in day was Thursday, August 13th, and the cookout for new students was on Saturday, August 15th. Photos are by Strong College Senior Tutor Dr. Robert O’Hara.
Some friends and members of the Welcoming Committee. Left to right: Alice Womack, Brad Bishop, Ryan Kelly, Laura Poe, Amanda Minter.
College staff and welcomers at the check-in table. Left to right: Heather Lloyd, Gwen Kovalak, Holli Bogle, Kelly Woodfin, Adam Cox, Cecilia Ruth Lance.
The front entrance of the College decked out for the new arrivals.
A casualty of check-in.
Sidewalk artists (Heather Lloyd and Kim Fales) and their art in front of the College.
More scenes of sidewalk art.
More scenes of sidewalk art.
The new students’ cookout.
More scenes from the new students’ cookout.
More scenes from the new students’ cookout. Left to right: Jonathan Cross, Anne Zahran, Chris Butler, Greg Shealy, Brad Bishop.
An unauthorized expedition to the University fountain. The participants will remain anonymous. (Photo by C.J. Heidel.)
Drying off back in the College.
A (thankfully) failed suicide attempt by Tim the Lemur. (The pressures of check-in really get to him sometimes.) Tim was put back on his medication immediately following and was confined to his room.