______. * .________ Cornelia STRONG COLLEGE
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_______________________ Newsletter No. 6 Friday, 14 October 1994
__Per aspera ad astra__
Items for the Strong College Newsletter may be submitted at any time
to the College Office (Room 140), and by 12:00 noon on Thursdays for
inclusion in the next week’s issue. Events are open to all members of
Strong College unless otherwise indicated.
- Ad astra -
The piano in the Junior Common Room has now been tuned, and its one
broken key has been replaced. Why not try your hand at the keyboard?
Want a chance to win $10,000? Then play the AT&T Collegiate Investment
Challenge. For more information contact Woto Nyomba (Room 267) or look
for the “Play the Stock Market” poster on a bulletin board near you.
October is Crime Prevention Month. Strong College extends a special
thank you to Officer Jerome Lee and to all the campus Police and
Security Officers for the very fine work they have done for us already,
and will continue to do all through the year.
Ms. Cherry, our north housekeeper, would like to thank the first floor
north for their card. It brightened her day!
- Residential Colleges Around the World -
Strong College, though very new, is in fact part of an old and
distinguished tradition of residential colleges at universities around
the world. The original models for colleges like ours can be found at
Oxford and Cambridge Universities in England, but many large
universities in the United States have created residential colleges too,
from private universities like Harvard and Rice, to public ones like the
University of Virginia and the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Dr. O’Hara gave a short presentation on residential colleges at the end
of the last College Council meeting, and has put together a display
about residential colleges around the world on his bulletin board
outside the College Office. He encourages everyone to give it a glance,
both to see something of the tradition to which we belong, and also to
get ideas for things we might like to do here in Strong College in the
- 334-FIXT -
From now on if you have a maintenance problem you don’t need to fill out
one of those old work order forms any more; just call the new number
334-FIXT (just FIXT from campus phones). This will connect you directly
with the maintenance office and your problem will taken care of as soon
as possible. You can call the number at any time of the day or night,
too (yippeee!).
- Need a Quiet Place to Study? -
Visit the Strong College Library (your library, Room 330). Thanks to
our crack team of volunteer librarians it is open for your reading and
studying pleasure Sunday 7:00 - 11:00 p.m., and Monday - Thursday 1:00 -
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 11:00 p.m.
- News of Members -
Kathy Ross got her programmer’s bit on LambdaMOO. If you can’t find
her, try looking in cyberspace.
- Poem-of-the-Week -
The Strong College Poem-of-the-Week is now appearing on the main
bulletin board outside the College Office. Today is the 100th birthday
of e.e. cummings, so in his honor this week’s poem is his “what if a
much of a which of a wind” (1944).
- Everyday -
Come join your fellow Strong College members for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner in the Caf — we eat in the raised section of the State Dining
Room, right behind the food serving room. Bring your roommates and
neighbors, too!
- Friday, 14 October -
7:00 p.m.: Moore-Strong Hall closes for Fall Break.
- Tuesday, 18 October -
3:00 p.m.: Moore-Strong Hall re-opens.
- Wednesday, 19 October -
4:00 - 5:00 p.m., Junior Common Room: President’s Tea. All Strong
College members are invited to this informal social hour. It’s the
social event of the Strong College week.
9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.: Strong College’s own Kathy Ross will DJ ’80s
music at The Turtle nightclub, 807 South Aycock St. Stop by for visit!
- Thursday, 20 October -
5:00 - 6:00 p.m., Senior Common Room: Strong College Literary Hour.
Everyone invited! Bring a short piece to read aloud (your favorite
poem, a piece of a short story, or a speech from a play, for example),
or just join us and listen in. New participants are always welcome!
(Laurie White, Ann Smith)
- Friday, 21 October -
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.: College Dining Area: Senior Common Room Lunch,
for Fellows of Strong College and invited students. The Fellows will be
inviting a few students to join them each week, so that over the year
most everyone will receive an invitation.
Tuesday, 25 October: St. Crispin’s Day, when gentlemen in England now a-
bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here! Watch for more
Wednesday, 26 October: The University’s official rededication ceremony
for Moore-Strong Hall, and opening ceremony for Cornelia Strong College,
4:00 p.m. Famous people, funny clothes, and a good time for all. You
will be invited, and we hope very much that you will attend.
Thursday, 27 October: A “Howl”oween Masquerade! 10:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
in the Junior Common Room, sponsored by the Strong College Council.
Watch for more details.
OFFICIAL DISCLAIMERS: Nothing here is official. Please don’t sue us.
No caffeine. All trademarks are the property of their owners. No
refills. This offer not valid in Montana. For external use only. Soft
shoulders. This does not represent the official policy of the United
States Government, the State of North Carolina, or Apple Computer, Inc.
Void where prohibited by law. Wait three minutes before restarting.
Your mileage may vary. Please recycle. Rules subject to change without
notice. Very low sodium. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a
cool dry place. Does not include tax, title, or destination charges.
The right of translation is reserved. Per aspera ad astra!